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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"


The task of APEMH “UMA” is the continuous development of the Academy as a competitive institution of advanced training at the European level in all its areas of scientific activity with the preservation of stable democratic traditions, the cult of knowledge and science, academic freedoms, an atmosphere of creativity, openness, free expression of will and self-improvement.

The strategic goals of scientific activity at the Academy are the introduction of new and improvement of existing forms, methods and technologies for post-graduate studies in current scientific areas, development of medicine and pharmacy in cooperation with academic science, business, authorities.  The normative basis of the scientific activity of APEMH “UMA” is the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities”, “On Priority Areas of Development of Science and Technology”, “On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Expertise”, “On State regulation of activities in the field of technology transfer”, other state legal acts and the Statute of the Academy.

The main and priority areas of scientific activity of the Academy are the following:

  1. Conducting scientific research on the development and implementation of highly effective medical technologies;
  2. Justification of the need for the development of regulatory and legal provision of health care and its correlation with international regulatory and legal acts;
  3. Research work related to the improvement of forms and methods of organization of providing medical assistance to the population;
  4. Development and research of health care standardization issues in Ukraine and abroad, substantiation and creation of medical technology standards, as well as state social standards in health care;
  5. Creation and implementation of the latest international protocols and technologies for the prevention and treatment of diseases;
  6. Scientific proposals on the implementation of standards and technologies for the introduction of a healthy lifestyle, technologies for improving the quality and safety of food products, the basics of dietetics and food hygiene;
  7. Development of proposals for the latest medicinal products, scientific development of technology and methods of quality control of medicinal products;
  8. Information and analytical provision of scientific and scientific and technical activities and distance learning.


The Academy monitors the implementation of the results of the National Development Program.  According to the results of scientists’ research, scientific works are traditionally published, in particular, in foreign scientific journals, which present the results of research in the international scientific arena.