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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"

International Students


International mobility is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “Regulations on international academic mobility and business trips abroad“, “Regulations on the recognition of the study’s results of students at Academy, obtained in non-formal and informal education” and agreements between educational institutions of Ukraine and other countries.

Training of foreign students is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law.

– training of foreign applicants for higher education is carried out within the licensed volume of the specialty with preliminary speech training.

– admission to training is carried out in accordance with the “Admission Rules” with the passing of the relevant professional exams.

– training is carried out in Ukrainian, Russian and English at the request of the student.

Medicine (based on complete general secondary education):

Profile of educational programme specialty 222 “Medicine”

We invite everyone willing to form the ability to apply acquired knowledge, skills to solve typical tasks of a doctor’s activity in the field of health care, the sphere of which is provided by defined lists of diseases’ syndromes and symptoms, medical emergencies, physiological conditions and diseases that require special patient management tactics; laboratory and instrumental research, medical manipulations; issues of labor, judicial and military expertise and rehabilitation.

Level of higher education

Master’s degree level

Scientific degree

Master’s degree

Field of knowledge

22 Health care


222 Medicine

Form of education

The training is performed in full-time education or remotely

Educational qualification

Master in Medicine

Diploma qualification

Scientific degree – master’s degree

Specialty – 222 Medicine

Professional qualification – doctor

Official name of educational programme

Educational and professional training programme «Medicine»

Type of diploma and the scope of educational programme

Master’s degree diploma, single, the scope of educational and professional training programme contains 360 credits ECTS. Term of training is 6 years.

It is implemented in Ukrainian and English. The program is designed for small groups with a combination of theoretical and practical training. The study of clinical disciplines and ensuring the formation of special (professional) competences by the applicants of the master’s degree in the specialty 222 “Medicine” are carried out at the clinical departments of Academy according to the syllabi. Professional training at clinical departments takes into account the specifics of each discipline and in order to acquire professional competencies it necessarily involves the use of simulation training methods, work with the use of diagnostic equipment and direct work at the patient’s bedside (in general, at least 50% of the classroom hours of the relevant disciplines).


A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of a complete secondary education under the condition of passing of an external admission testing.

A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of a bachelor’s degree, a junior bachelor’s degree, a professional junior bachelor’s degree or the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty 223 “Nursing” based on the results of an external admission testing and under the condition of passing the entrance professional exams in accordance with the Rules of Admission to the Academy in accordance with current legislation.


Duration of program

6 years

Suitability of graduates for employment and further education

According to the NATIONAL CLASSIFIER OF UKRAINE, the specialist is trained to work according to State Classifier (SC) 009:2010: Code 86 HEALTH CARE, Section Q. Health care and social assistance, Section 86.1 – Activities of hospital institutions, Group 86.10 – Activities of hospital institutions, Class 86.21 – General medical practice, Class 86.90 – Other health care activities

After the completion of study according to the Master’s degree in Medicine, the specialist is able to perform professional activity: intern (code КП – 3229); trainee doctor (code КП – 3221); resident doctor (code КП – ХХХ).

After training in an internship/a residency, a specialist is awarded the qualification of a doctor who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the corresponding medical position.

For further professional training in the specialty “Medicine”, a specialist has to be admitted to postgraduate education (internship, residency) where training is carried out according to educational programmes for training a doctor of a certain specialty; postgraduate student can acquire additional specialties and qualifications in the postgraduate education and can also continue education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

After training in an internship or residency, a specialist is awarded with the qualification “Doctor” who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the corresponding medical position: Class 222 Professionals in the field of medicine (except nurses). Subclass 2221 Professionals in the curative field (except dentistry). Group 2221.2 Doctors. Subclass 2225 Professionals in the field of preventive medicine. Group 2225.2 Doctors, specialists in the field of preventive medicine. Group 2229.2 Professionals in medicine (except nursing and midwifery).

In the future, specialists can undergo retraining and acquire another medical specialty and perform appropriate professional activity.

Dentistry (based on complete general secondary education):

Profile of the educational and professional training programme in specialty 221 «Dentistry»

We are happy to invite you to undergo the Dentistry program and to ensure the students’ competencies acquisition that allow them to solve typical or complex tasks and issues in the field of dentistry and health care or in the process of learning characterized by uncertain conditions and requirements; it aimed at training highly qualified, competitive, competent specialists

Scientific degree and the name of qualification in native language

Scientific degree – Master’s degree level

Specialty – 221 Dentistry

Educational qualification – Master in Dentistry

Professional qualification – Dentist

Diploma qualification – Master in Dentistry. Dentist

Official name of the educational programme

Educational and professional training programme of the Master’s degree level for the training of Masters in the specialty 221 Dentistry

Type of diploma and the scope of educational program

Master’s degree diploma, single, the scope of the educational and professional training programme contains 300 credits ECTS. Training is carried out in full-time (daytime) form of education or remotely. Study period is 5 years


A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of complete secondary education, under the condition of passing of the external admission testing.

A person is permitted to obtain a master’s degree on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a junior bachelor,  professional junior bachelor or the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in the specialty “Dentistry” or “Orthopedic Dentistry” under the condition of passing the entrance professional exams.

Duration of program

5 years

Suitability for employment

According to the NATIONAL CLASSIFIER OF UKRAINE, the specialist is trained for work according to State Classifier (SC) 009:2010, Code 86 HEALTH CARE, Section Q. Health care and Social assistance, Group 86.2 – Medical and dental practice, Class 86.23 – Dental practice.

After the completion of study according to the master’s degree  in specialty “Dentistry”, the specialist is able to perform professional activity: intern  (code КП – 3229); trainee doctor (code КП – 3221).

After training in an internship, residency, a specialist is awarded the qualification of a dentist who is able to perform the professional activity specified in SC 003:2010 and can hold the appropriate medical position: 2222.2 Dentist.


Further education

For further professional training, a specialist has to be admitted to postgraduate education programmes (internship, residency) where training is carried out according to educational programmes for training a dentist; postgraduate student can acquire additional specialties and qualifications in the postgraduate education, and can also continue education at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.



For registration and further enrollment, it is required to fill in the form and add documents on-line. The list of the documents and registration form can vary in accordance with the types of program and submission details.


  1. Application form (on-line registration, pdf, excel):

Personal info:

  1. Photo;
  2. Family name(s);
  3. First name(s);
  4. Date of Birth;
  5. Place of Birth;
  6. Sex;
  7. Nationality/State Citizenship;
  8. Permanent address;
  9. Current address;
  10. E-mail contact(s);
  11. Phone;
  12. Communication language(s);
  13. Diploma/degree for which you are currently studying;
  14. Number of higher education study years prior to departure abroad;
  15. Have you already studied abroad? /At which institution?;
  16. Work experience related to current study;
  17. Briefly state the reasons why you wish to study abroad?;
  18. Home University info (if applicable):
  19. Name of the University;
  20. Full address;
  21. Department and/or Institutional coordinator: Name of the coordinator;
  22. E-mail;
  23. Phone, fax;
  24. Incoming University info (if applicable):
  25. Field of study;
  26. Planned period of study: from month/year to month/year;
  27. Academic year;
  28. Duration of stay (months);
  29. of expected ECTS credits (if applicable).


  1. Passport or national identity document (notarized copy);
  2. Curriculum vitae following
  3. Diploma and Diploma Supplements (notarized copy and translation);
  4. Letter of recommendation (2 copies) in English or with notarized translation;
  5. Official academic document (Transcript of Records) (for students of bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees). In the case of bachelor’s degree students, the certificate must evidence that applicants have completed their first year of university studies;
  6. Certificate of enrollment (students) or position(academic or administrative staff) at their home institution (if applicable);
  7. Certificate of a command of languages (if applicable);
  8. Letter of Invitation

In order to receive official invitation letter to study at the Academy, an applicant should provide the following information: first name and surname, date of birth, passport number, address of residence, and place of submission of visa application (country and city with the Embassy or General Consulate of Ukraine) and send scan copy of the following documents for assessment by e-mail

  1. Letter of motivation.