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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"


The Academy concluded an agreement with the National Medical Library of Ukraine. This means that absolutely every student, teacher and researcher of the APEMH “UMA” has permanent access to the Library Fund, namely to medical methodological materials and resources not only in printed form, but also in electronic version. You can familiarize yourself with the features of the library’s activities at the useful link: https://library.gov.ua/

Regarding the possibility of access to the Web of Science electronic database, the Academy in its activities is guided, firstly, by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated November 6, 2018, No. 1213 “On providing access to higher education institutions and scientific institutions under the management of the Ministry of Education and of Sciences of Ukraine, to electronic scientific databases” (link to the order: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-nadannya-dostupu-zakladam-vishoyi-osviti-i-naukovim-ustanovam-do-elektronnih-naukovih-baz-danih). On the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, you can download and familiarize yourself with this order. Access to the database is possible through the country’s leading libraries and scientific foundations and institutions.

The Academy provides unique access to the foreign scientific information base Web of Science. The database is available from all computers in the reading rooms of the National Medical Library of Ukraine and workplaces at the following link: https://www.webofknowledge.com/

In turn, Web of Science (link to the base http://login.webofknowledge.com/) is an abstract database of scientific citations provided by the Thomson Reuters Company. This scientometrics database provides researchers with the ability to search for materials from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities and establishes links between specific studies using cited materials and thematic connections between articles established by authoritative researchers working in a particular field of knowledge. Our Academy invites all listeners to use the opportunity to access such a resource. You can get detailed information about the functioning of the Academy’s electronic databases by calling +380509455959 or +380637755403.