The Academy has the status of a self-governing, autonomous institution of higher medical education, which, within the limits of competence provided by the legislation of Ukraine, carries out educational activities in the field of professional undergraduate, higher, postgraduate education, and ensures the implementation of training, retraining, advanced training, continuous professional development, certification, and distribution highly qualified specialists.
We offer foreign citizens and stateless persons who intend to get an education in Ukraine a wide range of educational programs for various educational degrees. In addition, foreign applicants have the opportunity to take courses at the Preparatory Department in Ukrainian or English.
The multidisciplinary and differentiated Academy’s educational programs, 22nd “Health Care” direction make it possible to qualitatively improve the country’s personnel potential, providing the needs for highly qualified specialists in various specialties in the field of health care.
The mission of the Academy as a higher educational institution can be realized exclusively thanks to the provision of high quality education and scientific research, their inextricable integration and combination with innovative activities. The Academy has a permanently active specialized Academic Council with the right to accept for consideration and conduct the defense of thesis for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences and one-time specialized academic councils with the right to accept for consideration and conduct the defense of dissertations for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

We adhere to domestic and international standards, and we carry out educational activities in accordance with professional methods in order for our graduates to be the best in their field.
Faculties and departments that provide formal, non-formal and informal education have been created in the Academy, the functioning of the educational and scientific center, preparatory department, testing center, scientific and medical library, information and computer center, publishing and printing center is ensured.
There are comfortable dormitories, computer clubs, a sports complex, canteens, cafés, and dance halls has been created for students’ living.
Since 2000, the Academy is a leading center for the formation and development of professional medical training. In accordance with the consolidated decision of the coordination and advisory body at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine within the framework of the government target program for the development of the health care system in Ukraine and bringing national legislation into compliance with the Resolution of the 27th World Medical Assembly (Munich, 1973) as amended by Resolution 35- of the World Medical Assembly (Venice, 1983) regarding the working conditions of medical workers, a national self-government of doctors was formed, the main purpose of which was to ensure high professional standards of medical practice and compliance with its guarantees, to ensure a high professional level, to protect the professional rights of doctors in the interests of health of patients and the state of Ukraine.
In August 2014, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine initiated the development of the National Strategy for Reforming the Health Care System in Ukraine. According to the Strategy, for the period of 2015-2020, one of the parts of which was the reform of training and professional development, the orientation towards the creation of a new system of continuous professional development as a component of the mechanism for conducting the certification of doctors for the purpose of checking qualifications, thereby defining the certification of doctors as a method of improvement activities of health care institutions of all forms of ownership to further improve the provision of medical care to the population, in accordance with common practice in developed countries of Europe, America, and Asia.
The Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health «Ukrainian Medical Assembly» was created by the resolution of February 13, 2020, as a holistic educational and scientific center that ensures the proper level of education and continuous professional development of specialists in the field of health care.
On February 14, 2020, the Academy began conducting educational activities in accordance with the adopted Strategic Program of the UMA for 2020-2025, approved by the protocol decision of the Conference of the Ukrainian Medical Assembly public organization and in accordance with Ukrainian legislation with the aim of training students in all areas of medicine.
Since February 20, 2020, research and project groups have been operating, which created faculties in accordance with branch-licensed activities, departments and structural subdivisions of the Academy.
Since March 3, 2020, the Academy has started work in a new structural format, which enables the implementation of licensed educational activities, post-graduate training and retraining, development of specialists in the field of health care.
The establishment of the Academy was certified by the protocol decision of the Conference of the public organization “Ukrainian Medical Assembly” in accordance with Ukrainian legislation with the aim of training trainees in all areas of medicine.
The status of APEMH “UMA” is based on the validity of the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1074 dated December 3, 2010 “On measures of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to improve the training of doctors” and No. 1088 dated December 10, 2010 “On the improvement of postgraduate education for doctors”, the Law of Ukraine “On education” No. 1556-VII (2014), the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated February 28, 2014 “On the Implementation of the Roadmap for the Development of Ukrainian Education”, the Law of Ukraine “On Professional Development of Employees” No. 4312-VI dated January 12, 2012, the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 742 dated November 23, 2007 “On Certification of Junior Specialists with Medical Education”, Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 dated February 22, 2019 “On Some Issues of Continuous Professional Development of Doctors”, Order of the MH No. 95-r dated February 27, 2019 «On the approval of the Strategy for the Development of Medical Education in Ukraine».
The Academy provides continuous professional development and advanced training of health care specialists in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On Education» and subordinate legal acts, including the Regulation on specialization (internship) of graduates of higher medical and pharmaceutical institutions of education of III-IV levels of accreditation of medical faculties of universities approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 291 of September 19, 1996, Regulations on postgraduate training of doctors (pharmacists) approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 166 of August 27, 1993, about further improvement of the system of post-graduate training of doctors (pharmacists) and the Procedure for passing the attestation approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 of February 22, 2019, on some issues of continuous professional development of doctors, through the implementation of licensed educational activities to improve qualifications qualification, specialists in the field of health care in the form of cycles of thematic improvement, which provide for advanced training in a separate section of specialization with mandatory improvement of professional skills necessary for increasing the level of practical training, forming professional readiness for independent medical activity and ensuring the completion of pre-certification training for forming an educational portfolio.
Today, the activity of the Academy is based on the principles of humanity, democracy, traditional world and national education, science, culture, and is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and other normative legal acts of domestic legislation and international treaties that were ratified by independent Ukraine. The legal basis of activity and legal status are defined in the Statute of the Academy – the founding document.
The curriculum and programs of the thematic improvement cycles were developed and approved by the scientific project group of the Academy in accordance with international education standards and in compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation: Laws of Ukraine “On education”, “On professional development of employees”, Orders of the Ministry of Health “On some issues of continuous professional development doctors”, “On certification of junior specialists with medical education”, Decrees of the President of Ukraine “On measures to reform the system of training specialists and employment of graduates of higher educational institutions” and Orders of local health care departments.