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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"


In order to implement the academic mobility program, teachers, employees, interns of the Academy raise their scientific and professional level in foreign educational and scientific institutions in the form of participation in international scientific and practical conferences and symposia, master classes on medicine and modern methods of improving gaps in medical practice.

Such a position is also one of the main aspects of the international cooperation of the APEMH “UMA”, since the Academy not only sends its delegates to participate in conferences, but also holds such events in Kyiv. Such activity is an example of scientific work with international participation, exchange of experience of scientists from various fields of medicine and medical educational institutions, and an example of academic mobility and integrity.

The work related to the organization and participation in conferences and symposia at the Academy includes the following aspects:

  • organization and holding of international scientific, scientific and practical conferences, symposiums and seminars with international participation on the most urgent problems of medicine;
  • conferences on clinical research and study of new drugs, biological supplements, the latest pharmaceutical developments in cooperation with foreign pharmaceutical companies that conduct similar research and participate in international visits to European countries;
  • carrying out scientific work with international participation, design and publication of theses of scientific works by both scientific and pedagogical workers and students of the Academy and presentation of such works at the local, regional, All-Ukrainian and international levels;
  • carrying out complex scientific research in the field of medicine with actualization of urgent problems and ways to solve them. Presentation of these scientific projects on the international stage in medical universities and colleges of European countries, obtaining grants for study abroad and exchange of trainees during internships or practice.

The main tasks and prospective directions of such research activity are:

  • planning, implementation, analysis of reporting on the results of fundamental and applied research works and theses of conferences in the medical field according to the identified priority areas of research;
  • analysis, monitoring and coordination of all types of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the country and abroad (faculties, educational and scientific institutes, scientific institutions, post-graduate education institutions, etc.);
  • collection, analysis and submission of reports and information on the results of the Academy’s scientific, technical and innovative activities;
  • creation of an academic database on promising areas of research in modern medical or pharmaceutical science;
  • preparation for the printing of information publications on the scientific achievements of scientists and students of the Academy;
  • organization of preparation for the publication of articles, monographic literature on the problems of modern medicine in the context of modern scientific achievements.

In its scientific and practical activities, the Academy is governed by the Constitution of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine and Resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities”, “On scientific and scientific and technical expertise”, “On state regulation of activities in the field of technology transfer”, orders of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, other normative legal acts of Ukraine in the field of education and science, the Statute of the APEMH “UMA”.

At the end of the reporting period and at the end of each year, the Academy prepares a comprehensive report on the results of the scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities of the APEMH “UMA”, which indicates the results of the held conferences and symposia, as well as those events that took place outside the walls of the Academy, but in which our listeners, specialists and scientific and pedagogical workers participated remotely or directly.