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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"

System of UPD status for 2022-2024 years

Ministry of Health of Ukraine implemented a system of Uninterrupted Professional Development (UPD) for doctors. An old system predicted that doctor a year before certification (which was held as minimum once in 5 years) must pass mandatory four-week courses, called pre-certification cycle, in period between pre-certification cycles could practically not take participation in educational measures. The lack of clear requirements regarding the balance of educational loads led to something like a rest from professional development. This lasted for three years after certification.

Uninterrupted Professional Development

Now, according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of February 22, 2019, No. 446 “Some issues of uninterrupted professional development of doctors”, the doctor will undergo training annually by attending UPD events. This will allow him to be competitive and acquire new skills immediately after the appearance of these technologies and practices on the market.

The UPD system for doctors is a modern approach to the professional improvement of a doctor, the opportunity to freely choose interesting topics and activities, a convenient format and time of training, as well as providers of educational services. Instead of formal training, doctors will constantly develop their competencies. The points obtained for such training can be used for your own certification. Practically, UPD has been implemented in Ukraine since April 2019. And since 2020, it has already become mandatory.

UPD points are awarded for various types of training, which the doctor freely chooses based on the list of activities proposed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, of which there are three types: formal, informal and nonformal education. In general, the number of points is not limited, but an annual minimum is required. For doctors who significantly exceed the quantitative and qualitative requirements for the UPD, there is a possibility of extraordinary obtaining a higher category.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine implemented a system of Uninterrupted Professional Development (UPD) for doctors. An old system predicted that doctor a year before certification (which was held as minimum once in 5 years) must pass mandatory four-week courses, called pre-certification cycle, in period between pre-certification cycles could practically not take participation in educational measures. The lack of clear requirements regarding the balance of educational loads led to something like a rest from professional development. This lasted for three years after certification.

How does this system work?

In accordance with the requirements Resolutions of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from July 14, 2021 No. 725 ” On the approval of the Regulation on the system of uninterrupted professional development of medical and pharmaceutical workers” (hereinafter – the Resolution), health care workers after obtaining a higher education and obtaining a certificate of a specialist doctor, a specialist pharmacist is obliged to carry out uninterrupted professional development.

After completing the internship, the doctor applies to the relevant institution – UPD Provider, the status of which has been assigned to such an institution by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health for the purpose of passing UPD events for annual certification. Health care workers are awarded points for completing such UPD activities. For more detailed information, contact the following phone number +380509455959 or +380637755403.

In order to ensure the implementation of UPD, a single system is in place. The owner of the system and the information entered into it is the Ministry of Health. The system, among other things, provides accounting of UPD points in the field of health care.

After passing such measures, the doctor is issued by the UPD Provider a corresponding certificate or certificate with the specified training hours and awarded UPD points. The requirements for such certificates are regulated by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health. All this information will need to be shown to the doctor in his portfolio for further annual certification.

How many points are required for certification as a doctor?

In 2022, at least 100 UPD points obtained in 2020 and 2021 must be submitted for certification.

In 2023, at least 100 UPD points obtained in 2020, 2021 and UPD points obtained in 2022 must be submitted for certification. The minimum number of UPD points to be confirmed for the annual period is not mandatory in 2022.

In 2024, at least 100 UPD points received in 2020, 2021 and at least 50 UPD points received in 2022, 2023 must be submitted for certification.

In 2025 and subsequent years, at least 50 UPD points for each previous year must be submitted for certification

Regarding the issue of certification of doctors and taking into account UPD points

The calculation of points for passing the UPD is mandatory from January 1, 2020. The annual review of the personal educational portfolio with UPD points begins in 2021.

A personal educational portfolio with the results of UPD is created by the doctor. Points are recorded by the doctor himself and certified by the employer at the place of work during the period for which the points are recorded. The minimum number of points that must be confirmed for the annual period is 50 points (the maximum number of points is unlimited). Since the doctor must report with the addition of personal portfolios for previous years, he must ensure compliance with the UPD requirements with an excess of 50 points – as the previously submitted UPD points on the new submission are not valid.

The personal educational portfolio for the corresponding annual period is submitted by the doctor for annual review to the relevant certification commission. A copy of the personal educational portfolio is sent by mail by March 1 of each year to the address of the body where the relevant certification commission was formed.


  1. Attestation sheet.pdf.doc
  2. Educational portfolio.pdf.doc
  3. Scoring criteria.pdf.doc

How and how many points can a doctor receive according to the list of activities?

In order to further improve and organize the system of postgraduate education and UPD of medical and pharmaceutical workers, the Ministry of Health has created a classification of measures for the completion of which doctors are awarded the appropriate number of points, you can read more about it at this link. These include:


Awarding the qualification “doctor-specialist” of the relevant medical specialty.

In the year of awarding the qualification in Ukraine, 50 points are awarded. If the qualification is awarded in other countries – 100* points. A certificate or diploma is provided for confirmation.

Obtaining educational-scientific and scientific levels of higher education in the field of knowledge “Health care” (Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Sciences)

Points are awarded in the year of the dissertation defense. 50 points – for protection in Ukraine, and 100* points – for protection in other countries. A diploma must be provided for confirmation.


Certification training

At the cycles of thematic improvement in institutions (faculties) of postgraduate education, including the mixed (full-time and distance) form of education, a doctor can receive 25 points in one-week of study. If the training lasts two weeks or more, 50 points are awarded. Studying at internship courses in institutions (faculties) of postgraduate education is valued at 50 points. For confirmation, the doctor provides a certificate or certificate.

Study or medical internship in a higher education institution/health care institution outside the institution where the specialist works.

For such training or internship in Ukraine, 3 points are awarded per day, at the same time no more than 25 points per year up to the annual minimum of 50 points. If training or internship takes place in other countries – 5* points per day without restrictions on the share in the annual minimum points. To confirm the activities in Ukraine, the doctor must provide a business trip and a copy of the order on enrollment for internship. To confirm activities in other countries – a certificate or diploma with an internship program.



Scientific and practical conferences, congresses, symposia

5* points are awarded for participation in a one-day event in Ukraine, 10* points for an event lasting 2 days or more, a poster presentation – 20 points, an oral presentation – 30 points. Participation in events abroad is rated higher. The doctor will receive 10* points for a one-day event outside of Ukraine, 20* points for an event lasting 2 days or more, a poster presentation – 50* points, and an oral presentation – 70* points. The same report will not be counted again. Promotional reports are not considered. Participation in the event must be confirmed with a certificate or diploma of participation. The program of the event and/or publication in the materials of the event confirms the report.

Professional development by distance learning using electronic educational resources

When studying online, a doctor can receive 1 point for 2 hours of Ukrainian-language courses or according to the number of points in the certificate for English-language courses. The maximum number of points for such distance courses is not limited. At the same time, the number of points counted towards the mandatory annual minimum must not exceed 15 points for Ukrainian-language and 20 points for English-language courses. For confirmation, the doctor must provide a certificate.

Training at simulation trainings or trainings on mastering practical skills, including during scientific and practical conferences, symposia, congresses, congresses.

For a one-day event in Ukraine, a doctor is awarded 15* points, in other countries – 20* points. For an event lasting 2 days or more in Ukraine – 25* points, abroad – 30* points. To confirm, the doctor must provide a certificate or diploma.

Thematic training (professional schools, seminars, master classes, etc.)

Participation in a one-day event in Ukraine is valued at 10* points, and in other countries – 15* points, in an event lasting 2 days or more in Ukraine – 20* points, outside of Ukraine – 25* points. To confirm participation, the doctor must provide a certificate or diploma.

Publication of an article or review in a journal with an impact factor

Such a publication in Ukrainian publications with an impact factor is estimated at 20 points, in foreign publications in English – 30* points. A bibliographic reference is provided as confirmation.

The number of points for activities that take place in high-income countries (according to the World Bank rating) or are accredited abroad or in Ukraine by EACCME/ACCME/RCPSC or certified by ERC/ILCOR/AHA are multiplied by 2 when calculating the total number of points.

How is certification done?

The attestation procedure was simplified, and bureaucratic requirements and corruption risks were minimized. The doctor should NOT submit a report on professional activity for the last 3 years. Instead of 20 pages of formal indicators, doctors should submit a 1-page individual educational portfolio. The interview with the certification commission was also canceled. Every year, the doctor records his training in the educational portfolio and certifies it to the head of his institution. The educational portfolio form is Appendix 2 of the Procedure for Certification of Doctors.

The personal educational portfolio (PEP) is formed by the doctor independently and submitted to the personnel department no later than March 1. In the future, the personnel department will analyze the submitted information and the manager will send the appropriate report and certification and internship plan to the Department of Health Protection in accordance with the relevant order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 18, 2021, No. 1753.

Thus, the procedure for submitting PEP in 2022 and 2023 is as follows:

Doctors independently form the PEP for 2021 or 2022 and submit it to the personnel department at the place of work (or to a responsible person) by March 1, 2022, or 2023.

The personnel department (or a responsible person) checks the submitted data, summarizes and submits relevant documents to the head of the institution for approval by March 18, 2022, or 2023.

Heads of health care institutions shall submit the following documents to the Department of Health Care by March 22, 2022, or 2023:

– Report (summarized) on submission of personal educational portfolios by doctors

– The list of persons who must undergo attestation in the current year

– The training plan for doctors as part of uninterrupted professional development

– The list of persons who need to undergo course training in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure for conducting the certification of doctors, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 18.08.2021 No. 1753, due to the lack of the minimum number of UPD points for 2021



According to the submitted reports, doctors who do not have the minimum number of UPD points for 2021 or 2022 should undergo advanced training (thematic improvement courses) in the period from March 1 to May 31, 2022, or 2023.

If the data on the course of UPD is falsified, the doctor will be denied certification. Confirmation of the category occurs once every 5 years; attestation for the assignment of the qualification category can be completed more often.

For attestation, the doctor provides 2 months before the start of the work of the commission:

  • A written statement;
  • A copy of the diploma of education, workbook, certificate of a specialist doctor and a certificate of the availability of a qualification category;
  • Attestation sheet;
  • Personal educational portfolio with UPD results;
  • Copies of documents confirming the UPD points.

To confirm the authenticity of the entered data, the doctor must appear with the original certificates and other documents on the day of the certification. In the future, it is assumed that the attestation procedure will be electronic. We present to your attention the graphically depicted Attestation of doctors “in numbers”:

There are frequently asked questions that raise doubts, so here are the answers to the most common ones:

No, it is not necessary, since the order does not provide for the limitation of BPR points exclusively "by specialty".

Points must be collected according to the needs of your individual medical practice, at your own discretion.

No. The number of points does not accumulate over several years, the entire concept of BPR is built on regular training throughout life. Exceptions may be made for individual cases provided for in Clause 4 of Chapter V of the Procedure for Certification of Doctors (doctor's state of health, military operations, natural and man-made emergencies, etc.).

There are no restrictions on adding points for English- and Ukrainian-language courses.

No. During this period, the requirements are not distributed, although if the doctor wishes, they can be fulfilled during such leav

So. An annual review of personal educational portfolios is foreseen from 2021. That is, by March 1, 2022, it will be necessary to send the portfolio for 2021.

Усі лікарі України зобов’язані виконувати єдині вимоги до БПР. Порядок атестації науково-педагогічних працівників вищих медичних закладів визначено наказом МОЗ України від 22 лютого 2019 року №446.

Currently, BPR has been introduced for doctors. Therefore, the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 588 regarding the attestation of professionals with higher non-medical education remain valid. In the future, the BPR concept should be extended to all categories of health care workers: pharmacists, professionals with higher non-medical education, nurses and other specialists.

There is no separate list of courses or providers "recognized by the Ministry of Health" yet. Choose types of educational activities and providers of educational services according to your own needs and capabilities.

Today, the general list of thematic improvement cycles is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 7, 1998 No. 346 "On approval of the list of names of cycles of specialization and improvement of doctors and pharmacists in higher medical (pharmaceutical) institutions (faculties) of postgraduate education". The topics of individual cycles are determined by educational and production plans of institutions and faculties of postgraduate education.

Links to regulatory documents: