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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"


Management of the activities and organizational structure of the Academy is carried out on the principles of autonomy and self-governance, democratization of decision-making. The material and technical base of the Academy includes 3 educational buildings in the city of Kyiv. Thus, in the operational management of the institution there are educational premises, premises for scientific and pedagogical workers, computer laboratories, service premises, libraries. Each of the buildings is equipped with parking spaces, and there is also special equipment for the disabled and people with disabilities.

Educational premises and classrooms. Training at the departments is conducted according to the latest methods in classrooms with the most modern equipment. The departments have computer classes and laboratories equipped with modern computing and organizational equipment. Students have the opportunity to work in local computer networks and in the worldwide Internet. Auditoriums are equipped with multimedia equipment and computer equipment, which ensures highly effective teaching in accordance with European quality requirements for the provision of educational services. Educational premises (lectures and auditoriums for seminar classes), students’ workplaces are equipped with the necessary equipment that meets the requirements of the provisions regulated by the rules of technical operation.

Premises for scientific and pedagogical workers. The workplaces are equipped with the necessary license programs. Computer equipment, office equipment, and electronic equipment are operationally owned by the Academy and meet the conditions of technical operation. Computer hardware software is licensed and subject to regular updates. The Academy has created conditions for meeting educational and professional needs, continuous improvement of education, and raising the professional level of teaching staff.

Library. The Library of the Academy is an informational, educational, cultural and educational structural subdivision with universal document funds, which contributes to the introduction of promising educational technologies, the creation of conditions for effective scientific work and the organization of the educational process. Students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy are provided with resources and funds as a result of the signing of a cooperation agreement with the National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine (NSMLU), which is the main medical book collection of the country and the scientific and methodical center of a network of 448 medical libraries of various levels. The main holdings of the Library consist of printed publications of various types and types (books, periodicals, ongoing publications, dissertations and dissertation abstracts, etc.), as well as audiovisual materials. As of January 1, 2019, the general fund of the NSMLU includes 581,545 titles / 1,615,542 copies of publications. The system of funds consists of basic, specialized and depositary funds, which are presented through an electronic catalog and card catalogs. Students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy have access to reading rooms, computer rooms and international databases (Scopus and Web of Science).

Laboratories and classrooms for seminar classes. The private institution has the opportunity to provide students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy with the best laboratories with equipment and laboratory equipment modernized in accordance with today’s realities. Seminars include part of the material that must be worked out using methodological approaches of practical activity. Thus, the Academy conducts seminars on the basis of private laboratories equipped with a powerful property complex.

Dormitories. Taking into account the needs of students and scientific and pedagogical workers, the Academy provides accommodation in dormitories. As of today, the Academy has operationally owned three dormitories – these are complexes with household services and industrial premises.

They are provided for accommodation for the period of study of citizens and foreign students of the Academy, scientific and pedagogical workers. The Academy’s dormitories are intended for shared accommodation with self-service. Persons who are accommodated in dormitories must know and strictly follow the “Rules of Internal Procedure in Dormitories” and the terms of the Contract for the right to live in a dormitory.

In addition, the Academy has concluded cooperation agreements with ministries, departments, organizations, and enterprises.