In order to fulfill the duties assigned to the Academy, it provides access to the material and technical base of the main medical library of the country and the scientific and methodological center.
The scientific and medical library of the Academy is one of the main structural subdivisions of the Academy, and, as of today, it is a leading scientific and information institution of medical science and health care, which provides library, bibliographic, and information services for practicing doctors, teachers, and students of medical higher education institutions, scientists conducting research in the field of medicine and related sciences, etc.
The library takes an active part in improving the quality of educational and research processes and building a unified information environment of the Academy based on the latest information and communication technologies. The active collection of the library is displayed in the electronic catalog.
Students have free access to the system of funds of medical and biological literature, which includes many copies in 35 languages; the library annually serves medical specialists and medical institutions. The system of funds consists of basic, specialized and depositary funds, which are presented through an electronic catalog and card catalogs.
Funds of the Academy Library consist of printed publications of various types and types (books, periodicals, ongoing publications, dissertations and dissertation abstracts, etc.), as well as audiovisual materials. More than 90% of the funds are literature on medicine and related sciences, including editions in 35 languages, more than 25% of which are literature in foreign languages.
The Academy, in addition to traditional literature, provides constant access to information resources for various categories of readers. A local computer network is working, there is a WI-FI zone for Internet access, and an electronic catalog of scientific sources has been created. The information system of the library supports the main technological processes.
In addition to its own, the Academy cooperates with the country’s libraries, providing access to the latest resources, including: National Library named after V. I. Vernadsky, National Scientific and Medical Library of Ukraine, Library of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Library of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
The library works according to the following schedule:
Monday-Friday – 09:00 – 18:00;
Saturday – 10:00 – 18:00;
Sunday is a day off.