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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"


Very powerful medical practical and scientific potential is concentrated at work in the laboratories of the APEMH “UMA”. The Academy provides an opportunity to conduct scientific research on the basis of powerful private laboratories equipped with a modern property complex.

Laboratories cooperating with the Academy, authorized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to conduct research, scientific-practical and methodological work with students, are located directly in Kyiv and have the appropriate equipment for conducting research. There are working computer laboratories, access to which is also available to students of the Academy. They provide research in the field of: regulatory and legal framework for the organization of home treatment of children and adults for infectious diseases (hospital at home); normative and legal framework for the organization of anti-epidemic work of general practitioners and family doctors; a healthy child; organizing the work of a family doctor and out-of- school therapeutic care.

The main qualitative and technical characteristics of laboratories:

  • high level of modern technical equipment;
  • professionalism of employees, their interest in the research process;
  • availability of certification and accreditation in accordance with global standards of laboratory processes;
  • recognition and confirmation of the quality of laboratory work by international delegations and auditors of European and world countries.

Absolutely every specialist follows the rules and established requirements in the laboratories, bears personal responsibility for conducting laboratory research, work, and the reliability of the results obtained.

A positive trend is the recent increase in the number of clinical bases, in particular at the expense of privately owned health care facilities, which makes it possible to train trainees at a modern level. Technologies and methods are applied on modern medical equipment. The expansion of the number of clinical bases in health care institutions provides an opportunity for doctors to conduct continuous training and increase the level of knowledge in various areas.