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Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health
"Ukrainian Medical Assembly"

Academy’s Media

The Academy’s mass media operate on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine “On Information”, “On Protection of Information in Information and Telecommunication Systems”, “On State Secrets”, “On Copyright and Related Rights”, Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 07/31/2000. No. 928/2000 “On measures to develop the national component of the global Internet information network and ensure wide access to this network in Ukraine.”

According to the Statute of APEMH “UMA”, scientific and practical conferences of both national and international levels are regularly held on the basis of the Academy. Scientific and popular discoveries in the medical field are published in collections of scientific works. Thus, the Academy attracts the attention of young medical scientists and popularizes science in Ukraine.

An integral part of the educational process and international cooperation is the holding of international conferences, master classes, symposia, round tables, summits, etc. on the basis of the Academy.

We publish all scientific materials and achievements, because they are recognized and in demand by public associations, medical associations, international medical institutions and charitable foundations. You can read the list of such associations in detail by visiting the link: http://medforum.in.ua/partnery-meditsinskie-assotsiatsii-obshchestvennye obedineniya-i-organizatsii/page/4/.

The official source of public information of the Academy is also the “Information and Analytical Journal”, the purpose of which is to inform students, teachers, and specialists of the Academy about all novelties of the educational and scientific process, as well as the achievements of specialists in the medical field.

Our official website is the main source of information about Academy events. We inform about upcoming scientific events, inform about current events in the medical field in Ukraine and the world, provide detailed information about the conditions of study for citizens of Ukraine and foreigners, as well as the rules for living in the Academy’s dormitories, the rules for using the laboratories and the library of the APEMH “UMA “.

Our official website operates on the basis of the relevant Regulation “About the website of the APEMH “UMA”, according to which the basic tasks of the site include:

  • Publication of information on the procedure of admission to the Academy.
  • Popularization of post-graduate education in Ukraine and attraction of doctors to undergo advanced training courses at the APEMH “UMA”.
  • Provision of information about the structure, activities, and staff of APEMH “UMA”.
  • Providing effective feedback to persons who are interested in the activities of the Academy and wish to study or participate in scientific and practical events and conferences.
  • Timely information on news in the field of medicine and its individual branches.

Also, our official page on the Internet covers news and events not only in Ukraine and the world, but also local events that take place within the walls of the APEMH “UMA”. We provide information about the news of the Academy’s structural divisions, departments, etc. Specialists timely update information on regulatory documentation, internal founding documents (Statute, Regulations), information on enrollment and training, etc. We are an example of the implementation of the concept of continuous professional development in the structure of postgraduate education in Ukraine, so stay on our website and learn more useful information.